Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cross Road

Remember the last time you crossed a road - may be in C.P Outer Circle. Its quite a task. And then we curse the urban planners to have not thought of pedestrians and sub-ways.

Just as I was driving to office as usual, I gazed at the people standing on the road divider. People stressfully looking at the long line of cars, trucks etc. eager to pick a small gap in and cross the road

.…And I applied my brakes. Not a single person stepped on the road as I stopped. There was one elderly gentleman in the front to whom I gestured to move on. And the entire herd of people were on the road crossing it. Although the second lane drivers were not as much sanki as me, but still the herd managed to cross the road.

Interestingly, the person behind my car didn’t honk – perhaps he guessed what I was trying to do. It worked. And I am happy that atleast as a responsible driver I can do something apart from cursing the government and urban planners. I enjoyed it and continue to do so on Delhi roads. Try it.

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