Monday, August 16, 2010

Of Dogs, defecation and humans

I was walking my dog the other day – as usual. The daily routine – two rounds in the area in between the service lane and the main road. I have now walked my dogs for around an year now in those service lanes. So, do my fellow neighbours.

My dog would go around a bush and after much adjustment of angles would finally deliver…to my respite. As then I can get back to my house and start getting ready for office. But I cannot acknowledge my satisfaction as I pretend to look away and ignore if my dog is shitting.

But today was different, just as my dog started his delivery…and as I looked in some other direction. I suddenly saw these four or five rickshaw wallahs, who sit there along the rickshaws waiting for people to pay for a ride to the metro station, looking at us.

They were all looking at my dog shit. I don’t know how can I describe their expressions – it was neither a smile nor a retortment, it was neither embarrassment nor anything else. But a thought came into my mind (Don’t know if I am correct)

Probably, most of them must be living in some slum nearby and go out to some bushy places outside civilization to shit. And they have to do it secretly perhaps, so that no one watches them and rebukes them for having spoilt the place. And…I am sure they must have been shooed away once in a while…while caught shitting.

And there Max was…the dog of a not so upper class Indian family, who had the right to shit in the middle of city…in the middle of the day…(not early morning)…and nobody can stop him because he is a dog.

What a wonderful city…where a lazy Labrador can shit wherever it wants but a hard working rickshaw puller would have to find a place to shit.

1 comment:

  1. Very true shankar, in India we dnt have places to loo and shit in public so much for development....
